Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baby Goats!

The best part of large animal skills was definitely NOT being at school at 7AM every weekday for 3 weeks (5PM for 1 week and both times for 1 weekend) to feed and walk a horse. Or, really, several horses. I get it that knowing the husbandry of the animals we treat is important, but if I wanted the responsibility of owning a horse, I would own a horse.

The ACTUAL best part of large animal skills was the labs themselves. We learned how to cast cattle, which is a fancy word for pull them onto the ground using a strategically placed rope and 1 (or maybe 2) person (people.) We anesthetized pigs. We drew cow blood. We trimmed goat feet. Even better, we went and examined the baby research goats! There were babies from a couple days old to a couple months. They were so very cute.

It's things like this that remind me why I'm here.

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