Monday, January 17, 2011

Week One, in review

My first week back to school went really well!

I only have one elective this block- Resolving Small Animal Behavior Problems- which should be interesting. It's important information but I find myself presenting arguments in my head when this particular professor lectures. Especially when she starts talking about cat behavior. But, hopefully, I'll get something valuable out of the class!

Small Animal Medicine has been entertaining so far (my favorite vet school professor has been lecturing.) It's a little rough that it meets 8 hours a week, though!

Correlates is, well, correlates. We got our first case last week. I spent something like 6-8 hours on it... but it really reaches this point of diminishing returns where doing more isn't getting you anywhere. You've followed the process as well as you can but you're going to make the wrong judgement call anyway, so why bother?

Practice management is... something. The projects should be fun and worthwhile and assuming we have guest speakers pretty often it should be ok. While I like Dr. Posey very much as a person, I find his lecture style a little disjointed which can be frustrating.

Radiology is rough. It just doesn't seem fair to have it in the 3-5 timeslot on Friday!

However, I have all this free time... I have no idea what to do with all of it! It's crazy!

1 comment:

kberg said...

Behavior lecturer. Yeah, the animal rights lecture (I've heard it twice now in one year because of SWVS) about made me lose my cool. I was still going to take the class though, but I wonder if it will even be around next year because of the "faculty restructuring?"