Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Practice Management

It's been a long time since I updated; I haven't been very good at keeping this up. But I'll try to do better.

This past weekend was a rough one for the third years.

While it seemed like everyone else in Texas- from Dallas to Houston- was celebrating having Friday (or more) off due to snow, the third years took their lives in their hands and came to school anyway for a seminar about Practice Management. (We did get to start an hour late...)

It was good information- very good information- but with 2 8 hour days, I'm not sure how effectively we absorbed all of it. That's just a really long time to be listening to the same topic.

I enjoyed the information on how to operate a succesful practice. The things clients say they want (a coat hook in the exam room!), the amount of time a client will wait in your lobby before they give up and leave (15 minutes) and how to use financial statements to evaluate the success of your business.

I found the stuff about contract negotiation to be important, but hard to absorb. Most of what I got from that is that you should hire a lawyer to look over your employment contract before you sign it.

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