Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today, I stuck my arm in a cow, up to my shoulder! And not even in the super nasty part of the cow! Just the sort of nasty part of a cow.

In Physiology today, we did our rumen phys lab. So, we went over to the large animal clinic and played with the fistulated cow. She has a tunnel that goes from the outside world into the first part of her stomach. It's... really cool! We uncorked it, gloved up and stuck our arms in as far as possible. It feels really neat to touch the inside wall of the rumen. It's all wrinkly!

And I lucked out and she didn't squirt me with rumen fluid like she did Dayna!

1 comment:

Ivy said...

I saw the 'arm in a cow stomach' experience in a documentary a couple months ago, and my mind was totally boggled by the entire concept. It's so crazy!