Thursday, March 11, 2010

Club Lectures

One of the coolest things about vet school is the extra-curricular activities. I really love going to the lunch and dinner meetings hosted by various clubs. Mostly I’m in clubs that apply directly to my interests (AAFP for cats, LAM for lab animals, ACVIM for internal medicine), but I enjoy going to meetings when other clubs host meeting that they invite everyone to.

Tonight’s meeting was hosted by SFT (The Society for Theriogenology) and the speaker was the guy who does artificial insemination for Sea World. The lecture has been awesome.

The procedures they do are so cool. There are neat pictures of dolphins and baby dolphins and orcas and baby orcas. (Baby marine mammals are so cute!) The speaker is hilarious! (Or, maybe, it’s so funny because even vet students aren’t immune to the reflexive giggle when somebody says “penis.”)

My favorite quote of the evening: “The last killer whale I got pregnant…… Never mind. Moving on…”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is also why potty humor is always funny even if you are older that 10 years.