Thursday, August 21, 2008

Anatomy Lab Couldn't Stay Injury Free Forever!

Dr. Hoffman was so impressed that we got through the first day with sharps without any accidents... but, apparently that was just to lull him into a false sense of security!

One of my classmates went to the hospital today. (Well, really, 2 did... one got hurt and one of his lab partners drove him to the hospital.)

Apparently, he was transecting a muscle and his hand slipped... and he gouged himself in the other hand. Dr. Hoffman said that he "has good tendon function" but he needed to go get sutures. It really freaked the poor kid out. He was fine going over to the sink, but he started throwing up when he actually looked at it. (I probably would too... it's very different when it's your own body.) Hopefully he'll be the only injury this year! (And, hopefully his hand is really ok! They're so delicate! You really don't want to go cutting stuff in your hands... you can do permanent damage really fast.)

1 comment:

Ivy said...

UGH; I'd have thrown up, too. Poor guy!!