Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Horse Doctoring in the Dark Ages

My physiology lab professor was in practice at Ohio State Univeristy a long, long time ago (he says.) It was far enough back that bags of sterile IV fluid didn't exist for horses. (I'm not exactly sure when those came about, but apparently a while ago.)

He was talking to us about calculating osmolarity of solutions because it was something they had to do frequently when mixing up batches of salt to pour into water to use for IV fluids. (You can't put pure water into veins or realllllly bad things happen.)

As he was talking, he said that after a while of his horse doctoring, he would get calls in the middle of the night at home about horses he had on fluids running fevers. His first response was always to change out the resevoir of IV fluids, because "sometimes there are varmints."

Oh, to be a horse doctor in the dark ages! I'm glad things are a little more advanced than that now!

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