Monday, August 18, 2008

Bone Box!

I keep getting some of the coolest tools... especially for anatomy.

I have a giant necropsy knife for large animal anatomy next semester (oooo, exciting!)

Then, today in lab, we were issued a bone box! And it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a red toolbox full of small animal bones. I have a (broken) skull, a scapula, 2 mandibles, a full vertebral column, some ribs, a humerus, radius and ulna, a femur, tibia and fibula, a front paw and a back paw. It's really neat!


Claire said...

i'm amused that the number of blogspot blogs that i read has gone up exponentially since graduation :-) what is the bone set for, exactly?

Kim said...

Anatomy class. We have 3 people groups-- one person does the dissecting, one reads the dissection guide, and one person relates it to the bones/looks things up in the medical dictionary. (We rotate duties every week.)